Bread bad for your digestion? Try a toasted slice of bread!

For some people, a regular slice of bread cannot be digested very well. Therefore, they often opt for the toasted slice of bread. In fact, toasted bread proves to be more digestible. Not only is it more digestible, toasted bread above all digests a lot faster. Due to the toasting process, toasted bread contains less starch because it is broken down into dextrin. This is normally the first step in the digestion process.
It’s also just plain tasty
Apart from that, toasted bread is also just plain tasty at times. You can make toasted bread in many ways. On a warm slice of bread, for example, you spread delicious jam that often tastes even better than on a regular slice of bread!
I’ll take you through a number of different ways you can toast slices of bread and how you do it. A kind of ultimate guide to toasting bread you could call it!
Toasting bread with toaster
Making a warm sandwich toasted many simply from the toaster. Here, of course, it is very simple, you carefully place the slices of bread in the slots of the toaster.
After this, you choose the setting for the ”darkness” of the toast. In other words, how dark you want it to be. Depending on the bread and its thickness, this is where you make your choice. Keep in mind that the options and features vary from one toaster to another. Many toasters often have a defrost setting that you can use for frozen bread.
Toasting bread with oven
You can also simply toast a regular sandwich in the oven. The best way to toast bread evenly is a hot air oven or toaster. In the oven you can also put nice slices of tomato on your bread, which is delicious from the oven.
Move your oven rack to the highest possible position. This is most efficient, using a high heat setting for a short time. Preferably use the grill position. This will use the least amount of energy.
If you use the grill setting, you only heat the top. It is important to turn the sandwich halfway through the toasting process. If you use a different setting, you use more energy, but no turning is necessary.
Toasting bread with airfryer
By the way, the airfryer also works great for toasting bread! A slice of bread turns into a delicious toasted sandwich in no time.
Place the slices of bread in the airfryer, place a fork on the bread so that it cannot move. Preheat the airfryer to 180 degrees Celsius and let this sit in the airfryer for 5 minutes.
Toasting bread in a pan
Then finally, the frying pan. For this, use a cast iron skillet. This is because you need butter for this, then you keep the calorie count low. However, you can add butter if you like it.
Heat the skillet over medium-high heat, turning the bread frequently. When the bread is brown enough on one side then flip it one last time for a few seconds and then the bread is done!
Does the amount of calories per slice decrease with toasted bread?
Toasted bread is more digestible, but does toasted bread actually contain fewer calories? Often toasted bread is preferred to fresh bread by people who want to lose weight because they think that calories burn off when toasting. However, this is a fable. It is simply true that a toasted sandwich actually contains the same amount of calories, namely around 83 kcal. Thus, no calories are burned during toasting.
It is also true that you get hungry faster, because toast is less filling than a regular sandwich. Still, toasted bread provides a completely different experience from toasted bread. It’s tasty, not unhealthy and it has a smooth digestion, so it’s great for a quick snack in between!