Cooking with a Römertopf, our tips

Updated on 08 Feb 2024
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We have now given a lot of information on how the römertopf works and additional information on this interesting product. But you probably also want to know about some tasty dishes. For great dishes, always keep an eye on our blog, where we regularly share great content of how to put delicious meat, fish and vegetarian dishes on the table with the oven dish.

We are very familiar with the römertopf pan because we have always made many dishes with this oven dish ourselves. So you’ve come to the right place for great dishes and recipes, and we might also share some tips and tricks for cooking with the pan.

Here, we give you some simple steps for using the pan:

Start by soaking the pan in a good layer of water, making sure the pan is completely submerged in the water. Don’t forget to put the lid of the pan completely under the water as well. Soak the pan and lid in the water for at least 15 minutes. The pan will now absorb all the moisture, this ensures that the ingredients come out of the pan nice and tender and that the pan itself will not break due to the heat.

After 15 minutes of soaking, you can fill the pan with your desired ingredients. You can just do this straight into the pan, we recommend not adding too many sauces. This can become quite a hassle with cleaning. Cut the somewhat tougher ingredients, such as Jerusalem apples and carrots, into small pieces so they can cook nicely. Meat and fish can also just go straight into the pan, adding some salt, pepper and spices will make it a delicious whole.

Place the lid on the pan, making sure it is well covered. Now place the whole pan and its contents in the cold oven, so the oven does not need to be preheated. Then turn on the oven, it varies per dish how long the whole thing should be in the oven. If you like, you can remove the lid from the pan for the last few minutes to brown the dish. This is also a good tip if you want to top the dish with a layer of cheese. Remember that the pan should never be placed on a cold surface, as this can destroy the pan and/or the surface.

You can simply serve the food directly from the pan onto the table, i.e. with some spoons or spatulas. After eating, it is best to clean the pan by simply putting some soap and water in it and scrubbing it with a good brush. If you want to put the pan away again, it’s best to just put the lid on the pan.

What you could possibly try is cooking with real, traditional dishes. These are great for preparing in this pan, such as lamb. Sweet potato is also very tasty from the pan. But beware, the pan soon retains aromas and, as a result, your dish may be slightly affected by the aromas of previously made dishes.

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